While dealing with a loss of a family member is painful enough, not having money or need to figure out financially after the loss is also very tough. If you have the right amount of insurance, then your loved ones can be taken care of financially.
Are you confused on how to buy insurance. This could be how much to buy, where to buy and other tips to take care of
1. How much life insurance you need?
This is based on number of factors like your current life-style, your # of dependents and their needs & how long they need the financial help, your liabilities, whether you have income which will continue even after earners' death like Rental income or spouse working or grand-parent inheritance etc. Generally speaking, 10-15 times of your current expenses would be a good thumb rule to get the insurance for. and of course don't forget the inflation part. In 20 yrs, what you can buy for Rs 1/- will be less than what you can buy today due to inflation.
2. Term insurance is the Best
See my other post on Term Insurance but best is not to mix investments with insurance. Usually, Term insurance is 3-4 times cheaper then Whole Life insurance so best to stick to the same.
3. Online or Offline Insurance?
Typically, Online insurance can be cheaper given it is has less agent fees involved. However, sometimes going via agent is better for the convenience sake. Having an agent means he/she will help you during claim processing, come to the comfort of your home and be willing to answer lot of questions for you. However you pay extra for the service provided. If you are not too savvy internet user, it is ok to go via agent for extra fee which will be invisible to you.
4. Single or Regular Premium?
Some insurance companies offer two ways, one time payment for total amount due vs regular yearly payment (sometime monthly).. I suggest to go for monthly or yearly payment scheme. Reason being, it allows you to change the company later on for a better deal just in case, allows you to discontinue the payment if need be (towards end of the policy term as an example). One time payment may be little cheaper but locks you in for ever in the policy. Also, sometimes you might not have so much money to give in one shot anyways. The discount for one time payment scheme sometimes is not as much as you keeping the money in FD and paying the premium from the interest received.
5. Lump sum or Installment payout?
This is reverse of insurance premium. On unfortunate death, the insurance company might offer monthly payout (Installment type) or lump sum. Again, typically lump sum payment is better since monthly pay out is not as much more. Hence lump sum works out better. You would be better of putting the money in FD and instead taking just the interest portion as premium. Only time monthly could be better is if you are generally fearful or money being taken by "other" family members, friends which is non financial decision.
6. Go for Maximum Tenure: Ensure that you take insurance till your dependents needs the money source from you. That might not just be your youngest kid completing the college , but their marriage and not to forget, for your dependent spouse's death which again you need to plan for 65 yrs+. The difference for those tenure and premium is not huge (<10% typically) so its best to buy on the little higher side for safety and mental peace.
7. One or Split in Multiple Policies?
Typically one insurance policy is enough since it allows to accomplish majority of the goals with good risk and safety. However, you can opt for term life insurance per goal, example, one policy for money needed for kids' education vs another for marriage and so on. and then they can be of different period saving you money accordingly by completing the policy. However, It will save you some money if you buy single policy and also less hassle to maintain and remember (Just one policy to remember vs multiple such policies). I recommend to keep it simple and have just one policy.
8. Riders or No Riders?
Avoid any riders opt in. Those riders cost extra and are not comprehensive. So it is best to go with default options.